Madame, aka Karina Skov Iversen

She is the all powerfull mother and manager of Cartoons. She is the one you need to get in contact with -or on the good side of, if you want to hire or work with Cartoons. Do not, really, do not be fooled by her mild exterior she knows how to use a whip and is never afraid to speak her mind. If you think that the brand of Cartoons is something you would like to look more into she is your girl. She takes care of everything Cartoons – be it hiring the band or working together on any other platform. Madame is the quintessential woman – the one that makes it all work and happen.





The Youngster aka Amalie

The Youngster is the So-Me of Cartoons. It is obvious to the naked eye, that her beauty is of another world, but her savvy , and cool, is definitely of this one. The famous french film Amalie – has nothing on the real thing. The Youngster is the the provebial “finger on the puls” in the world of Cartoons. Having grown up with Cartoons makes her uniquely qualified to deal with the classic and new world of Cartoons.The Youngster, by her mer being a modern woman of the times, makes her input all important.

6000 Kolding

18:00 PM – 2:00 AM